
I canโ€™t believe the year has flown so fast, and it is almost Halloween again! I was laying in bed this morning, thinking about how to dress for my next video (which I will be filming tomorrow, by the way), and I realized that October is almost upon us. Since I have no idea how to dress up for Halloween this year, I want to ask you boys: what should I wear? What would you like to see me as?


Once again I want to share what I plan to wear on that night. Im going to be a Ballerina! I love my little dress as I think it shows just enough of me to let everyone know who I am! Make sure and comment below and let me know what you think. I hope my dress is not scary!

For those of you who want to comment and give me other ideas please do so. If I love one of them I will dress that way and post photos of it for you. I am sure we will both love it. If I dress as you describe I will also give you a 30 day pass to my members area. That way you can see all my photo and movie sets.


Sapphire Young

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Author: Sapphire

8 thoughts on “Halloween!

  1. I think a cute sexy pirate would be soooo nice,and that would be the kinf of pirate iยดd like to face.Since you are from the Philippines ,I can picture you sailing in the Manila Galleon back in the XVIII century ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Hi Sapphire, my birthday is on thursday 27th , and nothing would make me happier than a happy b-day kiss from the most beautiful girl in the whole world ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. hi Marco. I’m so sorry I missed your comment! Here is a sweet, slow and very tender Birthday Kiss! I hope you had a great day!
      Muah, Muah, Muah!!

  3. Hi gorgeous!!! Hope you have a happy and fun Halloween, It would be great to see a picture of you with the costume you used to party ๐Ÿ™‚

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